The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

by Jeremiah Burroughs

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – April, 2020

Even though Scripture clearly teaches that we will have tribulation in this life, troubles often catch us off guard. We are surprised when those words of Jesus come true. An expectation that life should somehow be an easy path leads us into discontentment. We grumble and murmur as if life is not fair. Of course, this only takes us further along the road of disappointment.

In The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment Jeremiah Burroughs points us back to Christ, who brings peace to the soul, and satisfies our deepest longings when nothing else can. Much like today when we are struggling to make sense out of a virus that silently stalks many, when earthly leaders seem almost powerless to help, Burroughs lived during days that he described as “sad and sinking times”. Yet he makes the case that, through troubles and sorrows, the people of God need not complain, but can find comfort and contentment in the God whose mercies abound even in dark circumstances.

I recommend this book as a relief to worried minds during these times of testing.

Virtual Worship Service on 3/22/20

Due to the precautions necessitated by COVID-19, Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church is hosting a virtual online worship service at 10:30 AM, Sunday 3/22/20.

All are invited to join us via a Zoom Meeting. Please consult your email for details.

May the Lord bless you.                                                                                        

Bill Mayk, Pastor

Maturity: Growing Up and Going On in the Christian Life

By Sinclair Ferguson

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – March, 2020

In ministering to the church, the Apostle Paul strove to develop Christians who grew in maturity in their walk with Christ. Every Christian wishes to develop in his/her relationship with God so that he/she might live spiritually healthy and profitable lives. Unfortunately, we all struggle with failure and the attending disillusionment.

In Maturity, Sinclair Ferguson guides the reader through a spiritual journey that encompasses various phases of the battle every believer faces.  He begins by relaying the importance and nature of Christian maturity. From there, the author reflects on the spiritual blessings that strengthen the believer as well as various difficulties that we face along the way. After encouraging the reader to press on to faithful service and patience, the author reflects on Psalm 131 as a helpful instruction toward spiritual maturity.

I recommend this well-written and easy-to-read work for those wishing to understand and grow in sanctification whose end is becoming mature in Christ.