All of Grace

by C.H. Spurgeon

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – February, 2020

Few people can turn a phrase like Charles Spurgeon. In All of Grace, the so called Prince of Preachers not only offers nuggets of spiritual gold, but he also gives the reader marvelous insights into the subject of God’s grace. In less than 150 pages, he demonstrates that our salvation is truly all of grace by a loving God. He does this in a way that lifts the soul in gratitude to our sovereign Lord. While reading this book, one can find him/herself in total agreement with the author when he says, “It is glorious to be far out on the ocean of divine love, believing in God and steering straight for heaven by the direction of the Word of God.”

I highly recommend this book to those who have never come to the Savior as well as to those who have. It is a tonic that allows the soul to gaze upon the beauty of salvation in Christ by grace alone.

The Holy Spirit

by John Owen

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection–January, 2020

It has been noted that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is both sorely neglected in some Christian circles and terribly distorted in others. Therefore, I was greatly encouraged when I began reading the Banner of Truth edition of John Owen’s book, The Holy Spirit. Abridged and put in modern English, this work is a pleasure to read. While it is theologically deep, it is also spiritually encouraging. I specifically recommend it to those who would like to know more about the Holy Spirit but are hesitant to delve into heavy works of theology. By writing in a very pastoral style, Owen expounds on the nature and operation of the Spirit in a way that warms the heart as well as challenges the mind. Having read a number of works by this author, I would say that The Holy Spirit is one of his finest. Read this book to develop a greater appreciation for the third person of the Trinity and the gracious work of sanctification He promises to do in every believer.

Statesman and Saint: The Principled Politics of William Wilberforce

by David J. Vaughan

Pastor’s Monthly Book Suggestion – December, 2019

Many people recognize the name of the English statesman William Wilberforce in connection with the abolition of the English slave trade. In his book Statesman and Saint, David Vaughan does more than cover facts and dates of the life of this political giant. Vaughan delves into the deep and abiding faith which sustained Wilberforce throughout a political career that was filled with great struggle and courage. Not only did Wilberforce relentlessly work to end the slave trade in the British empire, but he persevered another 25 years until slavery was completely abolished within the realm. Beyond his work to end slavery, this committed Christian desired to see all of English society reformed through what he called the “reformation of manners.” By this term he did not mean to imply that society could benefit merely from polite outward conduct, but that all of life must be guided by true faith that is lived out in a spirit of humility. Wilberforce not only attempted to conduct his own affairs in this manner, but he believed that laws that would nurture such a society should be passed and enforced. Whether or not one agrees with all of Wilberforce’s ideas, his life stands as a monument to the things God can accomplish through those who wish to see His glory manifested in this world. I highly recommend this book for your own personal enjoyment or as a gift this Christmas for others you might know.