Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat by James D. Bratt

Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat

By: James D. Bratt

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – November, 2018


Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat (Library of Religious Biography (LRB))By any standard, Abraham Kuyper was a giant of the Reformed faith and the national life of Holland during the second half of the nineteenth and into the twentieth centuries. Like most of Europe, the Dutch society into which Abraham Kuyper was born had been greatly affected by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Seeing these as destructive influences on both church and state, Kuyper sought to implement a Calvinistic worldview that would stand against a purely humanistic philosophy.

As a man of great intellect, organizational leadership, and remarkable energy, Kuyper brought his numerous abilities to bear as a pastor, theologian, author, editor, and politician. During his lifetime, he helped to merge two Reformed denominations as a bulwark against liberalism in the church. He also stood for political office, rising to the position of Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and he founded the Free University of Amsterdam.

In this book, James Bratt does an excellent job of tying together the many periods and influences of Kuyper’s life and work. In doing so, he avoids both glamorizing and demonizing Kuyper. Bratt gives us a picture of a man of his time whose ideas and decisions might seem misguided to many living in the 21st century. Yet, he was a person who also understood the damage of a godless philosophy to both church and state, and he was willing to use his talents to turn the tide for the glory of God.

Although this work does become weighty at times, I recommend it for its historic content and also as an aid in understanding the continuing debate of the place of the Church in the life of the nation in which it exists.








Escape from Reason by Francis Schaeffer

Escape from Reason

By: Francis Schaeffer

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – October, 2018

Escape from Reason (IVP Classics)In a culture where men and women and boys and girls question their basic biological identity, it seems logical that we might ask ourselves, “How did we get here?” That is the question that the late Francis Schaeffer tackled in the latter half of the 20th Century when he wrote Escape from Reason. In this short but powerful work, Schaeffer critiques the vanity of modern philosophy that has destroyed any unity between faith and reason and has bankrupted public morals, leaving us with no solid basis for law and unable to adequately address the reality of evil.

However, the author contends that if the Christian will seek to understand the thought processes of the surrounding culture and grasp the Bible’s truth about God and man, he/she needs not despair. Since humans are made in God’s image and since He has created all things, the believer is able to proclaim the teachings of Scripture “in the marketplace of ideas” and allow God’s word to stand on its own and speak into His world. Escape from Reason challenges the reader to communicate the gospel in terms that are understandable to the world of our day.

I highly recommend this book to those who have never read Francis Schaeffer before or to those who wish to understand how our society has devolved into its present state and to be encouraged to be light in the darkness.


The Doctrine of Repentance by Thomas Watson

The Doctrine of Repentance

By: Thomas Watson

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – September, 2018

The word “repent” or “repentance” is one of those theological terms that seems antiquated, old-fashioned, or foreign to many Christians today. It’s not uncommon to hear someone articulate a gospel message that is void of any reference to this teaching.  Although many assume that this is simply characteristic of the 21st century state of the Church, Thomas Watson’s classic work on this topic reminds us that Christians are constantly in need of studying and applying this doctrine regardless of the age in which they live.

Although written in 1668, this short book (122 pages) is easy to read and filled with valuable insights. In a very pastoral manner, Watson looks at the nature of, rationale for, and hindrances to repentance before showing the reader how to repent. I highly recommend this work to all Christians since, by nature of God’s work in our hearts, we are all repenting people.
