The Songs of Jesus, By Timothy and Kathy Keller

The Songs of Jesus

By: Timothy and Kathy Keller

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – January, 2018

As we begin a new year many folks look for a devotional book that can be used for either personal or family time. In The Songs of Jesus, Tim and Kathy Keller offer a day by day look through the Psalms. Beginning with the Scripture text, the author gives a brief commentary followed by a prayer focusing on the passage. The writer’s design is to bring you closer to the Lord as you walk through every situation of life, finding guidance, comfort, and strength through the songbook of the people of God. Renee and I are finding choice morsels of wisdom as we read through this work together. I recommend it, not so much for deep theological reflection, but as a window into the heart of Jesus and His care for His sheep.


Essential Sermons, by Saint Augustine

Essential Sermons

By: Saint Augustine
New City Press

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – December, 2017

I recently came across this interesting work that I’ve found valuable for my own personal devotions. Translated into modern English this volume includes various sermons of Augustine, bishop of Hippo, that deals with both theology and practical Christian living. Although as a Protestant, I find some of Augustine’s views untenable, such as his views on marriage and celibacy, his personal appeals to his congregation and profound insights make his preaching come alive to the reader. The bishop’s Christ-centered approach to scripture and church topics is refreshing, and his propensity of calling his people to holy living is quite challenging. I especially enjoyed those sermons on the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. Toward the end of the book the editors included a few sermons delivered on the feast days of various martyrs. I began reading them with caution, fearing that these might lead to a form of adoration of “saints”. However, working through these sermons, I found most of them constantly bringing the reader back to a focus on the work of Christ to strengthen the faith of His people.

Therefore, with an admonition to use discernment, I would recommend this book as a devotional tool for those wishing to learn from one of the great thinkers of the Church as he taught the Scriptures to his people for their edification.


A Secular Faith, By Darryl Hart

A Secular Faith

By: Darryl Hart

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – November, 2017

To what extent should the Christian in America embrace the separation of Church and state? This hot button topic is often discussed from a perspective that equates the existence of the United States with that of God’s covenant relationship to ancient Israel. In A Secular Faith, Darryl Hart argues that America was never founded as a Christian nation. Furthermore, when religious people attempt to find a universal Judaeo-Christian foundation for the political life of the country, they run the risk of watering down Christianity to the point where the gospel is no longer evident and we are merely left with a set of morals and ethics. The end result is that Christianity is redefined and presented, not as the message of redemption through Christ and the hope of the coming kingdom of God, but as moral standards that preserve the nation from ruin.

Hart’s presentation of the history of the Protestant influence in American politics and the current debate about separation of church and state is rather interesting, although I did find it a little tedious at times. Nevertheless, his position that Christianity can flourish in any political system, and that Christians are a people living in exile while awaiting a new kingdom is well worth considering. Whether one agrees with the author or not, A Secular Faith is worth the read for those facing the challenge of being Christians in a pluralistic America.
