The Triune God, Ronald L. Kohl, ed.

The Triune God

By: Ronald L. Kohl, ed.

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – January, 2017

The Triune God is a compilation of essays by some of the better known Reformed writers of today. Rather than approaching their topic in a purely technical manner, the various authors address the work and attributes of each person of the Trinity in a manner that connects with the reader’s heart as well as his/her intellect. I personally found the contribution of Bryan Chapell to be both warm and theologically engaging. I recommend this book as a refreshing study about our glorious Triune God.


The Mighty Weakness of John Knox

The Mighty Weakness of John Knox

By: Douglas Bond

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – December, 2016

Monthly Book Suggestion Dec 2016While not an in-depth biography of this Scottish reformer, The Mighty Weakness of John Know offers a compelling glimpse into the motivation and spiritual strength of this man of God. Though he was short in stature and often weak in body, Knox was instrumental in bringing the Reformation to Scotland. Fearing God rather than man or monarch, Knox was divinely enabled to withstand persecution, imprisonment and exile while preaching, writing, and praying in order to call Scotland to Christ.

This short work is a testimony to a man whose main desire was to see God glorified and worship in all of life. I highly recommend Douglas Bond’s enjoyable read to those who wish to see how God can use our weaknesses to bring about His mighty purposes.


Ordinary Men Called By God, James Montgomery Boice

Ordinary Men Called By God

By: James Montgomery Boice

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – November, 2016

Monthly Book Suggestion November 2016It is so easy to picture the men and women of Scripture as larger than life characters with whom we have very little in common. When doing that, we often rob ourselves of understanding how God works with ordinary believers to accomplish His redemptive purposes in the world. In Ordinary Men Called By God, Dr. James Boice uses the lives of Abraham, Moses and David to demonstrates how God’s effectual call on an individual equips the person to serve Him even through failures and weakness. The author points out that contrary to how the world views success, those who are humble before the Lord find spiritual victory through the grace of God. This is a practical book for practical Christians.
