Pastor’s September Book Selection

The Holy Bible by God

I had already chosen a book to recommend this September when I decided instead to suggest The Holy Bible. There are many other fine works by Christian authors throughout the centuries that can be beneficial to our spiritual growth. However, none of them have any lasting value unless they teach what God has revealed in the Scriptures.

As God’s people, we believe the Bible to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God that is necessary for our salvation and growth in godliness. Our own confessional standards teach us that only in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments do we learn how to glorify and enjoy God. It is for these reasons that I recommend that we all either continue or begin to, not only read select portions of the Scriptures on a daily basis, but that (as much as possible) we read and meditate deeply on the entire Bible, seeking to hear from the Holy Spirit and to apply God’s word to every area of our lives.

Consequently, I highly recommend The Holy Bible to all those wishing to know God, to be saved by our Redeemer, and to grow in godliness, glorifying and enjoying our Father, His eternal Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Pastor’s August Book Selection

The Time Is At Hand by Jay Adams

The Book of Revelation is certainly one of the most debated books of Scripture. Many people tend to approach it as though it were a biblical crystal ball that depicts current news accounts spread out before their eyes from the pen of an apostle living 2,000 years ago. Others read it as a duty without any sense that it can be understood by the normal person. And finally, others simply disregard it altogether. But what if this ancient prophecy actually spoke clearly to people in the first century about major events in their day, while offering encouragement to saints throughout the ages? In his short work, “The Time Is At Hand”, Jay Adams approaches Revelation from the perspective that the prophecies were written prior to 70 AD, and therefore describe the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and the fall of Rome, rather than the rapture, the second coming of Christ, a future physical millennium, and the end of the world as we understand it. While I do not agree with everything in this book, it is nevertheless a very helpful work that opens the reader’s eyes to a different understanding of the apostle John’s vision. Although Adams does tend to be rather technical in some areas, I recommend “The Time Is At Hand” to those wishing to break free from the various scenarios that turn Revelation into more of a comic book fantasy than a prophetic word of God to beleaguered Christians in the first century,

Pastor’s July Book Selection

Lessons from the Upper Room by Sinclair Ferguson

If we could choose to be transported back in time to when Jesus walked and taught on this earth, I suppose that we would each have a specific moment when we’d like to simply hear the Master’s voice. For some it might be the “Sermon on the Mount”, for others it might be the day Jesus dinned at the home of Zacchaeus, and yet others might wished to have been eye-witnesses of the context in which Jesus taught in parables. In “Lessons from the Upper Room” Sinclair Ferguson gives the reader an inside view of the final meal Jesus spent with his disciples. We see what motivated him most, how he would comfort those he loved knowing the trials they’d soon face, and hearing him describe the nature of his messiahship.

Having first presented this material as lectures for Ligonier Ministries, Ferguson does us a huge service by putting it in book form. I recommend this work for those who would enjoy drawing closer to Jesus as he teaches his disciples what he wants them to know most, before going back to the Father.​