Select Letters of John Newton

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – August, 2021

Since its publication, Christians have been captivated by the words of the hymn, Amazing Grace. In the recommended book for this month, Banner of Truth Publications gives us an intimate glimpse into the heart of the writer of that famous piece. As a pastor, John Newton took great care in encouraging people through many letters that he composed and sent to those who struggled with sin, doubts, and sorrows. His tender heart for others, and his grasp of the good news of the Lord Jesus combine to make this book a soothing remedy for a worried mind or troubled soul. Delving into various topics, Newton not only comforts weary saints, but challenges those in ministry, encourages those who stray, offers timeless practical advice, and brings Jesus to bear in all aspects of life. This is an excellent follow-up for those who’ve read extravagant grace, by Barbara Duguid, who used many of Newton’s insights in her work. If you haven’t read Duguid, don’t let that stop you from refreshing your soul with these letters of John Newton. You will quickly see what motivated the man to write such magnificent hymns as Amazing Grace

extravagant grace: God’s Glory Displayed In Our Weakness

by Barbara R. Duguid

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – June, 2021

If God is not the author of sin, which He is not, and if God desires that Christians be sanctified and transformed into the image of Christ throughout their lives, why doesn’t He stop us from sinning? Why do so many, if not all Christians struggle with besetting sins, feeling the burden of personal disappointment and failure? Why do we often find ourselves limping along in a cycle of victory, failure, guilty feelings, lack of joy, and a cry for repentance?

By delving into the writings of John Newton and the testimony of Scripture Barbara Duguid opens a window through which we can see that God has a purpose even in our stumbling, confusion, and gnawing sense of guilt. Through illustrations of her own life and experiences in counseling others, the author helps the reader to turn from a focus on his/her own failures to God whose grace is more than sufficient to relieve us of our deepest hurts and sense of brokenness. Extravagant grace is a book that helps us to make sense of our sins in the light of the gospel, reminding us of the tender love of our God who will not let us go.

I highly recommend this book for all those who desperately wish to follow the Lord Jesus, while also battling the confusion of being both sinner and saint.

Pastor Mayk’s Sabbatical

Greetings G&P Family,

As a follow up to the announcement that I will be taking a sabbatical beginning in September, I wanted to send out this very short video clip from Pastor Ligon Duncan regarding the importance and purpose of a pastoral sabbatical. Since G&P has not made use of pastoral sabbaticals before, some folks might have questions as to the reason and value of them.

In this video, Ligon offers a concise and helpful insight into the spiritual benefit for the pastor, as well as the congregation through the implementation of a sabbatical. For that purpose, I would also like to ask the congregation to pray in the following manner during my time away…

  • That I would be refreshed in my walk with the Lord, drawing close and growing in my relationship with Him (This cannont be understated.)
  • That Renee and I would both be refreshed and recharged to carry on the ministries to which God has called us as a couple
  • That my adult children would also grow in the Lord during this time
  • That the Ruling Elders of G&P would be given a measure of grace to minister during this time
  • That the visiting preachers would faithfully bring God’s word to the hearts of our congregation, enabling God’s people to continue to grow in his word
  • That the Lord Jesus would shepherd the pastor and the congregation in a Psalm 23 manner during this time

Ligon Duncan on Sabbaticals for Pastors:

May the Lord bless you today as his joy is fulfilled in you.

Bill Mayk

[Ed. note: Pastor Mayk will be away from mid-September through mid-January.  Please contact one of the elders or deacons if you have pastoral or physical needs during this time.]