Summer 2014 Youth Group Schedule

Keep up with the Youth Group!

Tuesdagrace peace sunsety, June 17 6:30-8:  Bible Study at the Walsh’s. We will have food, possibly play a game and then spend time in Bible study. Don’t forget your Bibles.
June 24 Ian’s Boot Outreach-11am-4pm. Don’t forget a packed lunch and meet at the church at 11 sharp. Looking forward to having all of you join us!
July 15– Pool Party and Bible Study
July 19– Car Wash Mission Fundraiser – 8am-12noon
 July 22– Bible Study

Youth Group: Ice Skating January 26th

youth group skatingIce Skating is THIS Sunday- January 26thWe will meet at church at1:30pm and will now be going to Center Ice in Oaks. This gives us more skate time and it costs less. The new cost is $10 (includes rentals) plus money for dinner. We will be stopping at a pizza place for dinner giving students a wide range of options and cost. We will arrive back at church by 7pm. 

Men’s Breakfast

The men of Grace & Peacemeet to share breakfast and study the Bible at a coffee shop in Limerick. This is a great time of fellowship and discussion, as we seek to encourage each other to live as godly men, in reliance upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

All men of the church, their friends, neighbors, co-workers…all are welcome!