
All Church Christmas Caroling

Join us for a time of Christmas Caroling for the residents at Manatauny Manor in Pottstown.

DATE: December 16, 2018

TIME: 2:30 — 4:00

PLACE: Manatauny Manor, 30 Old Schuylkill Rd, Pottstown, PA 19465


Ladies’ Christmas Tea

Grace & Peace Church invites all ladies and their friends to our annual Christmas Tea on Saturday, December 8 from 2:00 PM — 4:00 PM.

Please join us for a time of food, fellowship, Christmas carols, and a challenge from God’s Word.

Call the church office (610.323.2021) for more details.


Thrifty Shopping Spree

Calling all thrifters! Join us from 8 AM — 3 PM on Saturday, October 13, 2018 for thrift shopping in the Lancaster area, followed by lunch at Maple Leaf Cafe in East Earl, PA.

We will meet and return to WestMont Christian School.

Contact Christine Paster, or call the church office (610.323.2021) for more details.


All Church Picnic

Join us for the annual Grace & Peace Church picnic on Sunday, October 14, at 1PM at Warwick Park! It will be a casual time of food, fellowship, and games.

If you can come, please RSVP HERE and sign up for something to bring. Also, feel free to bring yard games and lawn chairs.

For any questions, contact Jo-Lynne Shane or Christine Paster.

WHAT: All Church Picnic

WHEN: Sunday, 10/14/2018 at 1:00pm

WHERE: Warwick Park, 191 County Park Rd, Pottstown, PA 19465


Kids Club and Youth Group Kick Off Night: September 14th

Kids Club and Youth Group are back!

After breaking for summer, this Sunday night, September 14th, we launch a new season of Kids Club and Youth Group at Grace & Peace Church!

It is our desire for all children to know that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation – and at the center of their story, too. All children ages Pre-K through high school, are invited to participate and bring their friends. 

We meet in the back building at Westmont Christian School in Pottstown at 5:30. There is also a Bible Study available for adults while the kids have their activities. All kids and adults meet together in the Piano Room for a brief time of singing and prayer before we split into our respective groups.

Kids Club

Kids Club is for children in pre-school through grade 5. Through memory verses, fun and engaging activities, and the stories within the Jesus Storybook Bible, your children will discover that Jesus loves them and that he is the Great Rescuer!

Here is the lesson line-up for the Fall 2014 term.

Sept 14: A new beginning
Noah’s ark, from Genesis 6–9: The human race was sinning all the time. God sends a flood to put a stop to sin. God sent a flood, but God rescued Noah and his family.

Sept 28: A giant staircase to heaven
The tower of Babel, from Genesis 11: People thought they could live without God and could get to heaven without God. The way they tried to do it was to build a very tall tower. Trying to live without God is called sin.

Oct 10: Son of laughter
God’s special promise to Abraham, from Genesis 12–21: The promises God made to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would give him a very big family and that God would rescue his people through Abraham’s family. Abraham believed God and God kept his promise to Abraham. Abraham had a son, Isaac.

Oct 26: The present
The story of Abraham and Isaac, from Genesis 22: God kept his promise to Abraham and he had a son, Isaac. Abraham loved God more than anything else.

Nov 9: The girl no one wanted
The story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, from Genesis 29–30: Abraham’s son Isaac also had sons. Their names were Jacob and Esau. Abraham’s family was growing
just as God had promised. Jacob married Rachel and Leah. God can bring good out of things that seem to us very bad.

Nov 23: The forgiving prince
Joseph and his brothers, from Genesis 37–50: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob. God had great plans for Joseph.

Dec 14: God to the rescue!
Moses and the Great Escape from Egypt, from Exodus 3–13: As we join God’s people in the book of Exodus, they are in Egypt. Egypt is where Joseph (Abraham’s great grandson) was living in our last story.

Youth Group

Youth Group is for kids in grades 6-12. In addition to learning about how to develop a deeper relationship with Christ, the Youth Group will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of service projects as well as fun activities to build relationships with one another throughout the year.

We encourage you to invite your kid’s friends and neighbors to join us on Sunday nights at 5:30. While the children are having their activities, adults are invited to attend the adult Bible study taught by our pastor, Bill Mayk.


Kids Club & Youth Group

Kids Club is for children K-6th grade while the Youth Group includes children in 7th-12th grade.

Kids Club meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM in the Middle School/High School building on West-Mont Christian Academy’s campus located in North Coventry, PA.

Youth Group meets every Sunday night from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in the Middle School/High School building on West-Mont Christian Academy’s campus located in North Coventry, PA.

If you need more information please use our contact form.


Don’t Waste Your Life

A Single Passion To Live By

Are you a young adult in senior high, heading off to college or in college? If so get connected this summer with us.

Come to exciting study on the meaning of your life – A life lived gladly to make others glad in God, means a life of hardships, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.

Purpose Statement

To communally pursue a passion for God’s supremacy, by enjoying God and introducing others to His ultimate worth.

Group Composition

A community group of senior high, twenties and their friends from Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church.
Facilitators: Warren Crosby & Ed Allen
Elder/Coach: Gabriel Santa Maria
Locations: Homes, Starbucks at the Philadelphia Premium Outlets


Don’t Waste Your Life Study Edition and Study Guide by John Piper
Download Study Guide


We will use the prayer method: “Praying the Psalms.” To encourage a commitment to group prayer, and to help the group learn by practice and experience the role the Word in prayer.


We will exist to encourage one another in the gospel. In addition, we will seek to serve those around us by loving them and introducing them to the gospel. Our community will manifest itself in the cultivation of personal relationships, Tuesday meetings, social/hospitality fellowship and outreach opportunities.


Want to know more?

Contact Warren Crosby
484.941.2781 | [email protected]