Suggestion from the Pastor
The Screwtape Letters
by: C.S. Lewis
Pastor’s Description
Since Grace & Peace has been studying the life of C.S. Lewis during Sunday school, I wanted to recommend a book by that author that would challenge, entertain and teach. The Screwtape Letters is one of Lewis’ better known works. Filled with humor, it is a fictional dialogue between a younger devil and his older mentor, dealing with the former’s struggles to tempt his human subject away from following the Lord.
In this satirical work, God is called the enemy and Christian virtue is something to be sneered at as Lewis probes the depraved reasoning of the devil. The satanic weapons of temptation, sin, discouragement and anemic religiosity are examined as the reader is encouraged to recognize and resist temptation.
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to understand the nature of spiritual warfare, the strategies of the enemy of our souls, and the never-failing grace of our great God.