Suggestion from the Pastor
The Desert Rat
by: Annette Adams
Pastor’s Description
Here is a short biography about a very remarkable Christian woman, Aileen Coleman.
Born in Australia in 1930, she felt the desire to serve the Lord through medical missions in the Muslim world. Along with Dr. Eleanor Soltau, whose parents were Presbyterian missionaries to Korea, she started the Anoor Tuberculosis Hospital in Mafraq, Jordan.
This is a riveting book, describing the work of God through a person that was willing to forfeit married life and leave the comforts of her surroundings to bring the good news and love of Jesus Christ into an area of the world where her gender and Christian faith might have seemed like overwhelming obstacles. However, God showed Himself strong on her behalf, allowing her to reach many of the nomadic Bedouins who might have otherwise remained ignorant of the truth of the gospel.
Throughout her years as a faithful witness to the power of Christ in Jordan, Aileen has been honored by the King and Queen of Jordan, Queen Elizabeth of England and given the title of Dame (equivalent to knighthood) in the British Common wealth. I was privileged to have met and been challenged by this courageous and noteworthy woman during a short mission trip in Jordan. I highly recommend her story to anyone wishing to be encouraged by the way in which God can do extraordinary things through ordinary, but willing, Christians.