Certain books are sometimes purchased only to sit on a shelf for a long period of time. Such is the book being recommended this August. I bought Call The Sabbath A Delight a number of years ago but refrained from reading it because I had anticipated a legalistic approach to the Sabbath/Lord’s Day. However, due to circumstances, I recently decided to put away my prejudice and give this volume a read.
I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with the way in which Walter Chantry chose to handle this topic. From the opening chapter the author addresses the doctrine of a Christian Sabbath in a refreshingly biblical and pastoral manner. Avoiding the extremes of legalism as well as those that would do away with the Sabbath, Chantry challenges the reader to take seriously all ten commandments while at the same time encouraging him/her to see the Lord’s Day as the delight it is meant to be.
Far from addressing the issue from a purely academic standpoint, the writer offers very practical helps in answering many questions people may have about the specifics of keeping a sabbath. The final chapter, Difficult Cases of Conscience, is a gem that ties the entire book together.
Due to its brevity (109 pages) this work will not answer every question a reader might have concerning the Lord’s Day. Nevertheless, I highly recommend Call The Sabbath A Delight as a refreshing and challenging read for all Christians living in our current culture.