Five English Reformers, By J.C. Ryle

Five English Reformers

By: J.C. Ryle

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – October, 2015

Monthly Book Suggestion Octocber 2015Every so often Christians can be blessed by being reminded of the struggles that previous generations endured for the sake of the gospel. In 1890 the Anglican bishop, J.C. Ryle penned a small but powerful book entitled Light from Old Times. This little work has been reprinted and released by Banner of Truth Trust under the name, Five English Reformers.

J.C. Ryle details the defense of the gospel and the martyrdom of five English churchmen during times of severe persecution in their nation. In my opinion, the first chapter entitled, “Why were our Reformers burned?” is worth the price of the book. The accounts of John Hooper, Rowland Taylor, Hugh Latimer, John Bradford, and Nicholas Ridley demonstrate the truth that although Christians may suffer and even die for the sake of Christ, they serve a God who will not desert them even in their darkest hours. I pray that all who read this work will be strengthened in their faith and emboldened in their conviction to stand for the gospel of grace. As we read the testimonies of these Protestant martyrs may we be reminded that God was faithful to ensure (as Bishop Latimer said to Ridley when dying at the stake) that their death would “light such a candle … (that) shall never be put out.” By God’s grace alone that small candle lit a gospel flame that still burns brightly in Bible believing churches throughout the world today




The Confessions of St. Augustine

Confessions of St Augustine

Confessions of St Augustine

The Confessions of St. Augustine, trans. Benignus O’Rourke (2013)

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – September, 2015

The Confessions of St. Augustine is one of the few books that should be read by every Christian. Although there are many translations available it is often difficult to find one that is written in a style familiar to modern ears. However, I discovered a recent edition of this great classic translated by Benignus O’Rourke that is both readable and engaging.

Augustine began writing his “Confessions” while serving as the Bishop of Hippo in North Africa. Throughout this autobiographical work the author portrays himself as a sinner who had come to understand that God was pursuing him even as he was resisting the truth of the gospel. Once drawn to faith in Christ by the grace of God this man, who had turned his back on the Lord could write, “You touched me, and I burn with desire for your peace.” For Augustine, who sought fulfillment in pleasure, nothing in the world could be compared to the rest he finally found in the God who made him for Himself.

Written both as a call to conversion and a support for believers, Augustine’s words will remind us of the providential care and marvelous grace of God that is still active in our own Christian journey. Whether it is this version or another translation, I highly recommend The Confessions of St. Augustine to all those that desire God today.

Why I Am Not An Atheist: Facing The Inadequacies Of Unbelief, edited by David J. Randall

Why I Am Not An Atheist: Facing The Inadequacies Of Unbelief

Edited by David J. Randall

August 2015 Book ReviewThe Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – August, 2015

Following up with the theme from last month’s book selection in which the author attempted to encourage Christians to reach their unbelieving acquaintances, the book suggestion for August, Why I Am Not An Atheist, offers insight from eleven people with various backgrounds that give cogent reasons as to why they are not atheists. Each chapter contains evidence for the truth of the Christian faith as well as attesting to the weakness of an atheistic worldview. Among the contributors to this work is a scientist, CEO, psychiatrist, journalist, missionary and pastor. While each of the writers provide their own particular perspective on the topic, I found the observations by the psychiatrist Pablo Martinez to be particularly helpful. His discussion concerning the makeup of an individual as well as his/her relationship to others and to the world demonstrated the weakness of atheism and the strength of the gospel in relation to questions about the human need for identity, purpose, and hope. While only the Holy Spirit can bring a person to faith, I recommend this short but insightful book as an instrument that can encourage believers and challenge those that consider themselves atheists or agnostics.




Engaging with Atheists by David Robertson

Engaging with Atheists by David Robertson

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – July, 2015

Monthly Book Suggestion July 2015Written by a pastor in the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, Engaging with Atheists attempts to encourage and equip the Christian to reach out to their friends and neighbors that have been raised with no recognition of God’s existence or that have discarded the Christian faith for various reasons and now consider themselves atheists. The author tries to help the reader understand the positions that atheists hold, common misconceptions about Christianity, and the questions atheists may inwardly have about the issues of life. Throughout this small book Robertson approaches his topic with a fairminded and gracious attitude, remembering that atheists are human beings made in God’s image and deserving of love and respect. I would recommend this short book as a starter for those who are interested in reaching their unbelieving friends with the gospel but often find it difficult to know where to begin.




The Valley of Vision, Arthur Bennett

The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – June, 2015

Book Review June 2015Prayer is one of the indispensable articles of the Christian life. Yet, too often our prayers seem dull and without heavenly content as our minds wander off topic. Arthur Bennett has done a great service to the Church by providing a composition of Puritan prayers that help the reader to reflect deeply on the Lord and to humble him/herself in God’s presence. The Valley of Vision is the type of devotional that teaches us to pray as we think through the worship, longings, and petitions of saints that have gone before us. They have tasted the Lord and found Him to be faithful. May all those that purchase this book do the same.




War And Grace by Don Stephens

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – May, 2015

War And Grace
by Don Stephens

Monthly Book Suggestions May 2015As Christians, we all acknowledge that the gospel has the power to change lives. Unfortunately, many of us waver about that when we see so many people rejecting the good news of our Savior. In the book War And Grace, Don Stephens offers up 13 accounts of individuals that found Christ in the midst of the dark days of World War II. In this volume, the reader receives a glimpse of God’s redeeming power throughout every nation, tribe, and tongue as the author presents stories of people from many backgrounds, all finding the forgiving love of Christ in their lives.

Not only does the author give us a glimpse of men like Louis Zamperini (Unbroken), but he also relates the conversion of the man that lead the attack on Pearl Harbor, infamous Nazi war criminals, and British POWs that were savagely treated by their captors, only to find the power to forgive, from the Lord who forgave them.

I highly recommend this book as a testimony of God’s redeeming grace and as an encouraging reminder that our God is an awesome God.



Why I Am A Christian, by John Stott

Why I Am A Christian by John Stott

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – April, 2015

Book Review April 2015This small book was the second of two books written by John Stott that my children gave to me last Christmas. As with the first book, which was recommended a few months ago, this work was a blessing to my soul. Why I Am A Christian was compiled from earlier writings and sermons by Stott in his later years of life and makes a case for the veracity of the Christian faith. Throughout the book, the author writes with a warm and irenic spirit as he tells why he is a Christian. Each of the seven chapters offer a reason for faith that ultimately points the reader to Jesus Christ. Although this work was written to answer skeptics and critics, I found it to be a source of encouragement and comfort for me as a believer. I recommend this text to Christians who simply want to rest by the quiet streams with their Savior as well as to those that wish to know why Christians feel so compelled to follow the Lord Jesus.



Tulip: The Five Points of Calvinism in the Light of Scripture, by Duane Edward Spencer

Tulip: The Five Points of Calvinism in the Light of Scripture by Duane Edward Spencer      

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – March, 2015

Monthly Book Suggestion March 2015What are the five points of Calvinism? Are they taught in Scripture? How can I describe them to someone else? If you’ve ever wrestled with these questions, or if you have encountered people who find the historical Presbyterian position of God’s sovereignty to be offensive, this small but thorough summary might give you a framework from which to discuss this topic.

From the opening preface, Spencer demonstrates that the five points of Calvinism (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints – i.e. TULIP) offer the best understanding of salvation by grace. Beginning with the ecclesiastical situation that gave rise to the five points, the author goes on to lay the foundation of God’s sovereign will as the basis for these doctrines of grace.

Utilizing commentary, Scriptural reference, and historical background Spencer draws a distinction between the Arminian and Calvinist views on this subject while demonstrating that all five points stand together, thereby giving believers Biblical assurance for their salvation.

I highly recommend this short book to anyone wishing to find encouragement in God’s sovereign work of salvation.



Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee

Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee

bookfeb2015The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – February, 2015

How often do we confess our faith with the words of the Apostles Creed that read, “I believe in the holy catholic church” and yet, we think of the body of Christ from a predominantly American perspective? In Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee takes the reader on a tour of the church through eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and North Africa. He gives us a birds-eye view of the truly catholic/universal people of God. In this short volume, we get a glimpse of God’s work in the lives of brothers and sisters who have learned the joy of the Lord in spite of persecution, poverty, and a lack of Christian resources such as those enjoyed in the West.

This is a book that encourages, inspires and challenges the reader to trust in the unconquerable power of the gospel. Through these pages, one becomes acquainted with ordinary people through whom God continues to do His extraordinary work of advancing the gospel.

Read this book to cheer your heart and enliven your desire for genuine Christian ministry.



The Radical Disciple, John Stott

Pastor Bill Mayk provides an introduction to The Radical Disciple by John Stott

Book Review Jan 2015I have just finished a truly great book by the late John Stott. The Radical Disciple was the last written work of this godly saint before he went home to be with the Lord in 2011. Penned when Stott was 88 years old, it is a reflection on what it means to follow Jesus into the world. Even where I did not agree with Stott, such as his opinion on global warming, the challenge to be like Christ in every area of our lives was very powerful. There is much that commends this book. However, his chapter on Dependence was a thought provoking rebuke to my own pride as he articulated the concept of “mutual burdensomeness” where we are both willing to accept help for ourselves and willing to provide help to our brothers and sisters. I highly recommend this farewell address to the church by a man who unwaveringly lived his life for His Savior.
