New Sermon Series on Romans

church sign

The following is in regards to our sermon series on Romans. If you have already missed parts of this series due to vacations you can always catch up with our online sermon collection. Find the Romans series here.

The series will run for approximately 90 weeks. During that time we will take occasional breaks to discuss other portions of Scripture, returning to Romans until the book is completed.

Many consider Romans to be the Apostle Paul’s greatest work. It can roughly be divided into two major sections: Doctrine (ch.1-11) and practice (ch.12-16). Throughout our series we will cover such teachings as:

  • Human depravity and our need for salvation
  • Christ our great Savior
  • Justification & Sanctification
  • The necessity of the cross and resurrection of Christ
  • The necessity of faith for both Jew and Gentile
  • The glorious future of Christ’ Kingdom
  • Election, predestination, reprobation and glorification
  • Influence of theology on practice

With all of these topics it is no wonder why Romans is considered by many to be “the theological book” of the Apostolic age. What’s most fascinating is that Romans wasn’t written to be a systematic theology, but a letter of personal introduction to Christians that Paul had never met. As we study this epistle, it is our hope that we are once again introduced to the God and Savior that the Apostle presents to us.


Call The Sabbath A Delight by Walter Chantry

CBook Suggestion August 2014ertain books are sometimes purchased only to sit on a shelf for a long period of time. Such is the book being recommended this August. I bought Call The Sabbath A Delight a number of years ago but refrained from reading it because I had anticipated a legalistic approach to the Sabbath/Lord’s Day. However, due to circumstances, I recently decided to put away my prejudice and give this volume a read.

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with the way in which Walter Chantry chose to handle this topic. From the opening chapter the author addresses the doctrine of a Christian Sabbath in a refreshingly biblical and pastoral manner. Avoiding the extremes of legalism as well as those that would do away with the Sabbath, Chantry challenges the reader to take seriously all ten commandments while at the same time encouraging him/her to see the Lord’s Day as the delight it is meant to be.

Far from addressing the issue from a purely academic standpoint, the writer offers very practical helps in answering many questions people may have about the specifics of keeping a sabbath. The final chapter, Difficult Cases of Conscience, is a gem that ties the entire book together.

Due to its brevity (109 pages) this work will not answer every question a reader might have concerning the Lord’s Day. Nevertheless, I highly recommend Call The Sabbath A Delight as a refreshing and challenging read for all Christians living in our current culture.

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Missionaries to Visit

Phil and JoyOur missionaries Philip & Joy will be visiting on August 3, 2014 for worship and Lunch. Please mark your calendars and plan for lunch after church. The lunch will begin at about 12:30PM. Worship is at the usual 10:30AM time.

This is an excellent opportunity to connect with those who we support and to learn about how the ministry of Grace &Peace, along with Missions to the World are working overseas to spread the good news.

If you would like to support, please visit MTW.

For more information on this event use our contact form.

Car Wash for Missions

car washThe youth group of Grace and Peace Church will be participating in a car wash located at West-Mont Christian Academy on Saturday July 19. Proceeds from the car wash will be used for a Summer missions trip to Jamaica in 2015. Please come out to get some of that grim off of your car and help the youth group in the process.

Time for wash is 8:30AM-11:30AM


Church Picnic 2014

Egg toss LoserWhile the church picnic caused a few egg fatalities and some yolk stained shirts, there were no injuries and a great time of fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all. In addition to horseshoes, egg toss and other adventures, adults and children participated in this year’s watermelon eating contest. At the end of our event, Pastor Mayk updated the church on the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly meeting held last June in Houston, TX.

This was our tenth church picnic of our young church in the Pottstown/tri-county area.

Check out the pictures: 



Getting the Blues by Stephen J. Nichols

Book Suggestion July 2014In this interesting work, Stephen Nichols points out that the musical genre known as the blues, specifically the Delta blues, might be “America’s only truly indigenous music form.” The popularity of the blues can be seen in the variety of musical styles that it has influenced. What many people don’t know is the background of the genre and the biblical significance imbedded in the fabric of the Delta blues.

After researching the history of various blues artists and drawing out biblical inferences from their music, the author merges these with the testimony of Scripture to demonstrate the themes of the fall, its subsequent misery and the hope of redemption that are implicit in the blues.

I’d recommend this enjoyable, yet theologically sound book to those who love the blues as well as those who are interested in understanding how the biblical narrative of redemption can be seen throughout Scripture.

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Summer 2014 Youth Group Schedule

Keep up with the Youth Group!

Tuesdagrace peace sunsety, June 17 6:30-8:  Bible Study at the Walsh’s. We will have food, possibly play a game and then spend time in Bible study. Don’t forget your Bibles.
June 24 Ian’s Boot Outreach-11am-4pm. Don’t forget a packed lunch and meet at the church at 11 sharp. Looking forward to having all of you join us!
July 15– Pool Party and Bible Study
July 19– Car Wash Mission Fundraiser – 8am-12noon
 July 22– Bible Study

Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Book Suggestion June 2014As one of the most famous puritan works, this allegory of a man’s journey of faith should be read by every Christian. That being said, the unfamiliarity of 17th Century language does not make Pilgrim’s Progress and easy read for most 21st Century people. Nevertheless, it is a great literary classic that describes the Christian experience through the use of colorful characters and amusing metaphors. Our family has used this work as a devotional that brought the Christian journey to life for our children. For those that find Elizabethan English too tedious to tackle, I would suggest purchasing the 3 disc set narrated by Max McLean. This can be listened to on one’s way to work or even during those long vacation trips this summer. Working your way through Pilgrim’s Progress is well worth the effort.

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John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology

April 2014 suggestion from the Pastor

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology  by Burk Parson, Ed.

Book Suggestion May 2014As a collection of essays that were written to celebrate the 500th birthday of John Calvin, this book is a great summary of the teachings and life of one of the most important figures in the Protestant Reformation. Written by some of today’s best known theologians, pastors and Bible teachers it gives a comprehensive overview of Calvin by appealing to his letters, sermons, commentaries and his Institutes of Christian Religion.

Rather than being a work that focuses on the many controversies that have grown up around Calvinism over the centuries, this volume focuses on the Reformer as a gospel-centered pastor, counselor and committed Christian. Although each article in the volume is well worth reading, my favorites were Calvin’s Heart for God, by Sinclair Ferguson and The True Christian Life, by Jerry Bridges.

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology is great to read as a devotional book or for those wishing to gain an insight into the driving passions of a man that lived to give his heart to Christ.

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The Attributes of God

April 2014 suggestion from the Pastor

The Attributes of God, by Arthur W. Pink

Pastor’s Description

Monthly Book Suggestion April 2014The Apostle Paul prayed that the Colossians would increase in the knowledge of God. All Christians probably echo that desire for their own lives. A study on the qualities of God, as revealed in Scripture, can help us to reach that goal.

In this concise book Arthur Pink takes the reader through various divine attributes using ample biblical references and thoughtful insights. Combating what he refers to as a god of “human imagination,” the author presents God as high and lifted up, deserving of our praise, and worthy of all our trust.

I highly recommend this short, yet profound book, for anyone wishing to dwell upon the beauty of the Lord.

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