Book Suggestion July 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story

By: Craig G. Batholomew & Michael W. Goheen

Pastor’s Description

Often people read the Bible as a group of disconnected stories, having no major focus other than to provide a moral compass for daily living.  In The Drama of Scripture, the authors turn from this approach and direct the reader’s attention to the great drama of redemptive history that unfolds from Genesis to Revelation.

In keeping with the tradition of theologians like Geerhardus Vos and Herman Ridderbos, Bartholomew and Goheen trace the progress of the kingdom of God throughout the Bible in an easy to read style that informs as well as challenges.

Although this is a theology book, it is not cumbersome or incomprehensible. Therefore, I recommend it to any Christian that wishes to better understand the mind of God and our place in His story of redemption. Reading this volume should enable a person to better understand the Bible, the purpose for which it is given and the God who graciously speaks to us in it.



Book Suggestion June 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

Three Free Sins

By: Steve Brown

Pastor’s Description

Three Free Sins is a book that exposes the facade of the perfect Christian life.  Written in Steve Brown’s witty and somewhat sarcastic style, it challenges Christians to lay aside our fear of failure before God and embrace the unmerited favor that sets us free from playing church.

If you are tired of trying to be better, tired of your failure and tired of asking how God could love someone like you … read this book.

If you are tired of all those sinful Christians around you, definitely … read this book.

And if you go to church and do the Christian thing because, “that’s what good people do” … read this book.

As you read, be aware that Steve will challenge your assumptions about what it means to be a Christian.  He’ll ruffle feathers. And he’ll say some things with which you don’t agree.  But in the end, he will invite the reader to relax and breath the fresh air of the grace of our loving Savior.

While reading Three Free Sins I laughed, winced, felt convicted and finally rejoiced in the God who is not mad at me. Although I do not agree with everything the author writes and would not necessarily express myself in the same way that he does, I highly recommend this book as a help for those needing to rest in Jesus.



Book Suggestion May 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life

By: John Calvin (Baker Book House)

Pastor’s Description

In his short devotional, Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life, John Calvin offers a clear biblical perspective on living the normal Christian life. Avoiding both shallowness and austere pietism the author focuses on walking with Christ in a real world.
Originally written as part of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, it was later published separately to great acceptance throughout the Protestant world. Penned 400 years ago, Golden Booklet retains its emphasis on practical living in light of the lordship, redemption and promises of Jesus.
I highly recommend this small devotional for anyone wanting a refreshing look at the Christian life from the Reformer whose heart was on fire for Christ.


Book Suggestion April 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

The Cross of Christ

By: John Stott (IVP)

Pastor’s Description

In this work, John Stott demonstrates the absolute necessity that Christ die as the substitutionary sacrifice for sinners and that His death brings victory to every aspect of the believer’s life.
The book is divided into four major sections.
The first includes an historical perspective of the cross throughout Christian history,  the necessity of Christ’s death, and a discussion of those responsible.
The second part deals with what Stott calls “the heart of the cross.”  Here he discussed the idea of divine forgiveness being predicated upon the death of Jesus, the satisfaction of the holy love of God, and the substitutionary nature of the atonement.
The third section concentrates on the positive effects of the cross, which include the salvation of sinners, the revelation of God, and Christ’s victory over evil.
The final division concerns the life of the Church as experienced through worship, mutual service within the body, loving those outside the church, and dealing with suffering.
There are few book I would recommend as highly as this volume.  Although the subject matter contains history, theology and Christian practice, Stott’s warm style makes these 300 pages readable and devotionally engaging.  I highly recommend The Cross of Christ to anyone wishing to dig deeply into the centerpiece of our faith.



Book Suggestion March 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

The Prodigal God

By: Timothy Keller

Pastor’s Description:

Keller hits a home run with a fresh explanation of the familiar parable from Luke 15:11-32.

Taking the dictionary definition of prodigal as “recklessly extravagant”, the author explains how the abundant grace offered to sinners places God in the position of the prodigal.

By demonstrating that both sons in the story care only for what their father can give them, rather than loving him for who he is, Keller challenges the reader to examine his/her own relationship with God.

He also reminds the reader that like the father in the parable, God recklessly pours out His love upon sinners through Jesus Christ, enabling them to rejoice in the measureless grace of their heavenly Father.

Whether you have run from God and are desirous to find Him again or are a regular church-goer that is experiencing a dryness of your soul, this short, thought provoking book will give you a fresh glimpse of the exceedingly great love of our amazing Prodigal God.


Book Suggestion February 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

“The last Jew of Rotterdam”

By: Ernest Cassutto

Pastor’s Description:

A very short (169 pages) but good autobiographical account of a young secular Jewish man caught up in the anti-Semitic persecution of the Second World War.
Through the compassion of Dutch Christians and from reading Scripture, Ernest Cassuto was converted to Christ and later became a Reformed pastor in Holland and the United States. The story weaves together his own journey with that of the woman who would later become his wife. This book speaks of the grace of God that enables people to embrace the gospel, forgive one’s enemies and learn that after a nighttime of suffering Jesus Christ is still able to make our joy complete. I recommend “The Last Jew of Rotterdam” as a refreshing look at the goodness
of God.


Book Suggestion January 2012

Suggestion from the Pastor

The Mystery of Providence

By: John Flavel
Published by: Banner of Truth Trust

Pastor’s Description:

This small devotional on the providence of God is one of my favorite books. Having discovered it in 1988, it is one of the few books I have read over again and am planning on re-reading in 2012. For anyone wishing to be encouraged through a deeper understanding of God’s work in our personal affairs, The Mystery of Providence is a treasure.
John Flavel was a Puritan pastor, living in the 1600’s who came to understand the beauty of meditating on God’s governing power.
With a pastor’s heart, Flavel wrote this book to convince Christians of the great benefit found in contemplating the providence of God.
The illustrations from the lives of other Christians, as well as his theological and biblical insights, are refreshing in an age of shallow Christianity. Those that decide
to read this short work will find a rich blessing for their souls.


Book Suggestion December 2011

Suggestion from the Pastor


by Laura Hillenbrand

Pastor’s Description:

This book was recommended to me by one of our elders and confirmed as a good read by another member of the congregation.  I personally found it to be a riveting account of a troubled young man, Louis Zamperini, whose path led him to compete in the 1936 Olympics.  His hopes for a second run in the 1940 games were dashed by the outbreak of the Second World War.

The story weaves through his enlistment in the military and subsequent capture by the Japanese. Enduring the cruelties and deprivations of a long imprisonment, he came home from the war embittered and hateful.

This true story demonstrates the power of God to change a life and bring a person from despair to hope and from tragedy to triumph.  I highly recommend this book as a gift for Christmas or a challenging read for one’s own enjoyment.



Book Suggestion November 2011

Suggestion from the Pastor

Counterfeit Gods

by Tim Keller

Publisher’s Description: Sex, money, power, and love. So many of us have placed our faith in these glittering idols—hoping they hold the key to happiness and satisfaction, but knowing in our hearts they will only let us down. With the global economy in shambles, and the idols that we all as a society have worshiped for years crashing down around us, it is no wonder so many of us feel lost, alone, disenchanted, and resentful. But the truth is that these idols were lesser gods that could never give us true fulfillment. There is only one God who can wholly satisfy our cravings—and now is the perfect time to meet him again, or for the first time. “In Counterfeit Gods, Keller shows how the Bible reveals the unvarnished truth about our faith and our heart’s desires.”

Pastor’s Recommendation: I highly recommend Counterfeit Gods to our congregation.  It is a quick read that serves as both a challenge to us as Christians and as a resource to give to non-Christian friends that are looking for something more concrete than the passing idols of our fallen world.



Book Suggestion September 2011

Suggestion from the Pastor

Life Together

by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Product Description

After his martyrdom at the hands of the Gestapo in 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer continued his witness in the hearts of Christians around the world. In his book Life Together we learn of Pastor Bonhoeffer’s experience within Christian community. This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years reads like one of Paul’s letters. It gives practical advice on how life together
in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. The role of personal prayer,
worship in common, everyday work, and Christian service is treated in simple,
almost biblical, words. Life Together serves as bread to all who are hungry for the
real life of Christian fellowship.