Pastor’s December Book Selection

The American Puritans by Dustin W. Benge & Nate Pickowicz

Here is an interesting and captivating work about 9 historical characters whose lives have left a powerful mark on the American Christian landscape. The authors not only offer a biographical history of their subjects, but do so in such a manner that demonstrates the power of the gospel in their lives and circumstances. The reader will be encouraged by the commitment to Christ of these early puritans who faithfully followed their Lord through the trials and tribulations faced in the wilderness of a new land. Seeking to establish a pure church, they not only laid the foundation for generations of Christians to come, but greatly influenced a society that would become a new nation.

It is hard to select which was my favorite biography of the 9 mentioned. Nevertheless, the life story of Anne Bradstreet probably left the greatest impression on me. Through her poetry, she described the faithfulness of God, her love for her husband, her closeness to her parents, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. However, it was her courage and resilience in times of heartbreaking and overwhelming difficulties that gave the greatest testimony of the God she loved so deeply. I highly recommend this encouraging work.​

Pastor’s November Book Selection

Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin by B.A. Gerrish

The following recommendation will mostly target those that enjoy reading scholarly theological works. For those that would like to know more about Calvin’s approach to the Lord’s Supper, Grace and Gratitude by B.A. Gerrish will not only offer insight into the Sacrament, but enable you to see in the Lord’s Supper “Christ giving himself to the church, and the church giving itself to God.” According to Gerrish, this idea of “double self-giving” is not only essential in understanding the “Eucharist”, but also shapes Calvin’s entire theology.

While the book spends a great deal of time discussing Calvin’s doctrine of God as the Father and fountain of all good, and the gospel as a message of free adoption into his family, the last two chapters offer a fair overview of the value of the Lord’s Supper and the mystical presence of Christ therein. Certainly, Grace and Gratitude will not appeal to everyone. However, those that enjoy theological works will find it beneficial and may even acquire a new appreciation for the sacrament.

Men’s Fellowship Gathering

The Grace & Peace Men’s group listening to Rev. Tim Brindle, assistant pastor of Olive Street Presbyterian Church, on the subject of Critical Race Theory: A Biblical Response.

Confess Your Sins: The Way of Reconciliation

by John Stott

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – September 2021

Most Bible-believing Christians know that Scripture teaches us to confess our sins. However, to whom should we confess? By delving into his own Anglican tradition and the pages of Scripture, John Stott contends that sins are to be confessed either secretly to God, privately to those we offend, or publicly to the entire church, depending on the sin and its accompanying situation.

In making his case Stott also argues against the Roman Catholic practice of confession to a priest, while correcting the prevailing view of James 5:16 that is often misunderstood among many in evangelical circles. Throughout this work, the author presses home the importance, not only of confession of sin, but of forgiveness as well. As he mentions, “because God is willing to forgive sinners through Christ, we must forgive one another.”

The author points out that confession and forgiveness is a demonstration of the gospel to “a world burdened with guilt … and torn by bitter animosities.” He concludes with a two-fold challenge toward a deeper “faith in the promises of God to rejoice in divine forgiveness”, and a greater “love for each other to rejoice in human forgiveness.”

I highly recommend this refreshing and informative book, and pray that we might read it, and take to heart the encouragement to confess our sins as instructed in Scripture, and to forgive one another for the glory of God, our own spiritual well-being, and the health of the Church.

Select Letters of John Newton

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – August, 2021

Since its publication, Christians have been captivated by the words of the hymn, Amazing Grace. In the recommended book for this month, Banner of Truth Publications gives us an intimate glimpse into the heart of the writer of that famous piece. As a pastor, John Newton took great care in encouraging people through many letters that he composed and sent to those who struggled with sin, doubts, and sorrows. His tender heart for others, and his grasp of the good news of the Lord Jesus combine to make this book a soothing remedy for a worried mind or troubled soul. Delving into various topics, Newton not only comforts weary saints, but challenges those in ministry, encourages those who stray, offers timeless practical advice, and brings Jesus to bear in all aspects of life. This is an excellent follow-up for those who’ve read extravagant grace, by Barbara Duguid, who used many of Newton’s insights in her work. If you haven’t read Duguid, don’t let that stop you from refreshing your soul with these letters of John Newton. You will quickly see what motivated the man to write such magnificent hymns as Amazing Grace

New Women’s Study begins this week

Hello Ladies!

It is JUNE! Can you believe it?!? Summer is here and I am already behind! Can anyone relate?

Life is hectic! Family, church, work, laundry, we all are busy in some way. And I am sure, like me, you are thinking, I don’t have time for a summer Bible study! I felt the same way when this study was suggested, but then I started looking at the content and realized, I need to know THAT I AM in Jesus’ genealogy. MESS, SIN, FAILURE AND ALL, God has CHOSEN me to be in HIS GENEALOGY. WHY? Because He loves US and for that I am thankful!

A little caveat… maybe due to your schedule and what life has for you, you really cannot add one more thing to your plate. I understand that as well. God has been teaching me about finding REST in Him. I do not want to guilt you into overcommitting. If you find yourself too stressed to commit, consider doing this study on your own or just reaching out to someone to ask for prayer to stay connected even from a distance. Our goal is to be a body of sisters, connected in community, loving, serving and praying for one another whether we are in study together or not. Please, know we love you and want to hear from you. And join us when you can, even if that is once. You are what is important to us!


As an INDIVIDUAL: Grab a book at church on Sunday (or contact Sarah Walsh for a copy). Receive the weekly emails from Sarah with the link to the video and podcast to listen to for that week. Join us AUGUST 11 for a wrap-up party for the study.

As a PAIR: Grab a copy of the book from church (or contact Sarah Walsh for a copy) and find a friend to go through the study with. A weekly email will be sent with the study video/podcast for you to listen to and discuss. Then join us August 11 for a wrap up party.

As a GROUP: Grab a copy of the book and a group of people and meet together for 8 weeks through the summer. Watch the weekly video from the email and discuss. Join us August 11 to share what you all have learned. If you are interested in hosting a group, please let Sarah Walsh know so that she can make that information known to others in the church to join.

This is an 8-week study with 9 lessons. Confusing, but think of chapter 1 as an introduction. Weekly emails will begin NEXT week, June 7. If you would like more information, visit

There is a live kick off party on June 8 at 8pm with CDM. The link will be sent in next week’s email.

Grace and Peace Women are hosting a Wrap Up Party on August 11 at 7pm.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Walsh (610-764-3800) with questions. We are very excited for how God is going to continue to weave our messy stories together to deepen our relationships with one another and bring Him glory.

Join US!
Sarah Walsh (on behalf of the Women’s Steering Committee)


Issue 5 – June 2021

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extravagant grace: God’s Glory Displayed In Our Weakness

by Barbara R. Duguid

Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – June, 2021

If God is not the author of sin, which He is not, and if God desires that Christians be sanctified and transformed into the image of Christ throughout their lives, why doesn’t He stop us from sinning? Why do so many, if not all Christians struggle with besetting sins, feeling the burden of personal disappointment and failure? Why do we often find ourselves limping along in a cycle of victory, failure, guilty feelings, lack of joy, and a cry for repentance?

By delving into the writings of John Newton and the testimony of Scripture Barbara Duguid opens a window through which we can see that God has a purpose even in our stumbling, confusion, and gnawing sense of guilt. Through illustrations of her own life and experiences in counseling others, the author helps the reader to turn from a focus on his/her own failures to God whose grace is more than sufficient to relieve us of our deepest hurts and sense of brokenness. Extravagant grace is a book that helps us to make sense of our sins in the light of the gospel, reminding us of the tender love of our God who will not let us go.

I highly recommend this book for all those who desperately wish to follow the Lord Jesus, while also battling the confusion of being both sinner and saint.

BYO Lunch Fellowship


Issue 4 – May 2021

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