
Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee

Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee

bookfeb2015The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – February, 2015

How often do we confess our faith with the words of the Apostles Creed that read, “I believe in the holy catholic church” and yet, we think of the body of Christ from a predominantly American perspective? In Dispatches From The Front, Tim Keesee takes the reader on a tour of the church through eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and North Africa. He gives us a birds-eye view of the truly catholic/universal people of God. In this short volume, we get a glimpse of God’s work in the lives of brothers and sisters who have learned the joy of the Lord in spite of persecution, poverty, and a lack of Christian resources such as those enjoyed in the West.

This is a book that encourages, inspires and challenges the reader to trust in the unconquerable power of the gospel. Through these pages, one becomes acquainted with ordinary people through whom God continues to do His extraordinary work of advancing the gospel.

Read this book to cheer your heart and enliven your desire for genuine Christian ministry.
