Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God
By: Noel Piper
The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – July, 2018
Since vacation season is here again, I hoped to find a book that was short enough for busy parents, yet interesting enough to keep one’s attention on the beach, relaxing by a mountain lake, or simply kicking back at home. Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper (wife of pastor and author John Piper) meets those requirements. The writer has provided five biographies of godly women whose desire to serve the Lord challenges the reader to do the same.
The women that Piper chose to include are Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Aylward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare. All of these women come from different countries, serving on various continents throughout a period that stretches from the 18th to the 20th century. Sarah Edwards was the wife of the famous pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards. Lilias Trotter was born in England and sailed to North Africa to work as a missionary in Algeria. Gladys Aylward was a missionary to China in the 1930s where she became a naturalized citizen, working with orphans. Esther Ahn Kim was a Korean Christian who endured persecution when the Japanese military controlled that nation. Helen Roseveare served as a doctor in the Congo throughout many years of bloodshed and turmoil. Their love for the Lord drove them to not only serve but suffer for Christ and the advance of the gospel.
Although I had originally hoped to find a book that would appeal to the women of our church, I was drawn in to the various accounts of these courageous women and encouraged to see the faithfulness of God in each of their lives. I recommend this book as a good summer read about the lives of other Christians who gave all for the glory of God and found Him to be strong on their behalf.