by Dane C. Ortlund
Pastor’s Monthly Book Suggestion – September, 2020
If there has ever been a book I am thoroughly excited about suggesting to the congregation it is Gentle and Lowly, by Dane Ortlund. Gathering insights from various Puritans, Reformers, and preachers Ortland digs deeply into Scripture to uncover the heart of God in the heart of Christ for God’s people. This magnificent treatment of God’s kindness and compassion toward us refreshes the soul. Once I began reading this book, I didn’t want to put it down.
If you have struggled with truly believing that Christ is for you, even when you have committed that sin again, then read this book. If you intellectually believe that God loves you, but find it difficult to understand what that means, then read this book. If you have ever worried that maybe Jesus is simply fed up with your many failures, read this book. If you simply want to take a fresh look at your Savior that will make you smile, then read this book.
While the entire work presents the marvelous love of God toward us, I especially appreciated the way the author uncovers the heart of Jesus in His works of compassion throughout the four Gospels. I wholeheartedly recommend this east-to-read, but deeply satisfying volume to every person in our church family.