

Small Groups

About Small Groups

We currently have several opportunities for small group bible study and prayer. These small groups enable us to get to know each other more, so that we can grow in Christian love as our Lord commanded and that we might lift up those that hurt while rejoicing with those that rejoice. Grace & Peace Church must be built on prayer and mutual support if we are to grow in a Biblical manner while reaching those that are without Christ.

Grace & Peace Church invites you to participate in this ministry.

Mid-Week HomeGroup

This group meets bi-weekly on Thursday evenings for a time of study, prayer, and fellowship at 6:30 p.m. in Douglass Township. Everyone is welcome, especially families with children.

The current schedule is available on the church calendar.

Youth Ministry

Helping Your Kids Learn & Grow Through Jesus

Age-appropriate learning opportunities in the Gospel of Jesus Christ for ages 0 through Grade 5 including Bible lessons, music, catechism, crafts, and mercy opportunities.

1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at 9:15 am for all ages.

Toddlers: 0-3Preschool: 4 & K
Early Elementary: 1st & 2nd Grades
Older Elementary: 3rd – 5th Grades
Jr/Sr High

Men's Ministry

About Men’s Ministry

We currently have several opportunities for small group bible study and prayer. The men of G&PPC meet quarterly to share breakfast and study the Bible.

This is a great time of fellowship and discussion as we seek to encourage each other to live as godly men in reliance upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

All men of the church, their friends, neighbors, co-workers, all are welcome.

Men’s Brown Bag Lunch Bible Study – Wednesday at 12:00 noon, St. James.

Men’s Quarterly Breakfast Fellowship.

The current schedule is available on the church calendar.

Women's Ministry

More Information

WIC Mission Statement: “The purpose of the Women in the Church is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community and throughout the world.”

Our women conduct a regular Bible study to encourage one another to grow in Christ.

The current schedule is available on the church calendar.