2009 Missions Trip to Alberta, Canada Fund Raiser

We raised support with a “Country Auction”

Alberta, CA Summer Mission Trip 2009

The Grace & Peace missions team gets ready for our Summer Missions trip to Alberta, CA.   Here is a promotional video representing the area they will be serving:

2008 Summer Missions Trip to Mississippi

Last summer, we sent a team to Mississippi to help rebuild after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.  We worked through a local church, Laniape Presbyterian,  and helped rebuild 2 homes, and run a Bible camp for the local children.

Lebanese Pastor Visits Grace & Peace

On Monday evening, March 3, 2008, the pastor from the only reformed church in Lebanon, Walid Bitar,  came to present the work that he is doing in that war-torn, poverty stricken land.  Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that allows evangelism.  Pastor Bitar has been passing out tracts and Bibles and sharing the Gospel with many – mostly Muslims.  Lebanon is a highly international country, with immigrant workers from Nepal, Phillippines, Iraq, etc.   Pastor Bitar has had opportunity to tell these displaced workers of the Grace of Jesus Christ.  God be praised!

Habitat for Humanity Work

Habitat For Humanity—a great crew of men and women from our church helped work on a home on January 29.  There was dust everywhere!!  We helped insulate, nail, cut and had a great time doing it!