
Pastor’s July Book Selection

Lessons from the Upper Room by Sinclair Ferguson

If we could choose to be transported back in time to when Jesus walked and taught on this earth, I suppose that we would each have a specific moment when we’d like to simply hear the Master’s voice. For some it might be the “Sermon on the Mount”, for others it might be the day Jesus dinned at the home of Zacchaeus, and yet others might wished to have been eye-witnesses of the context in which Jesus taught in parables. In “Lessons from the Upper Room” Sinclair Ferguson gives the reader an inside view of the final meal Jesus spent with his disciples. We see what motivated him most, how he would comfort those he loved knowing the trials they’d soon face, and hearing him describe the nature of his messiahship.

Having first presented this material as lectures for Ligonier Ministries, Ferguson does us a huge service by putting it in book form. I recommend this work for those who would enjoy drawing closer to Jesus as he teaches his disciples what he wants them to know most, before going back to the Father.​