
Spurgeon: A New Biography

Suggestion from the Pastor

Spurgeon: A New Biography

by Arnold Dallimore

Pastor’s Description

Few Christian leaders have had as many biographies written about them as the famous 19th Century English preacher, Charles Spurgeon. Attempting to find the best of them all is a daunting task.  The Baptist minister, Arnold Dallimore, certainly has authored one of the most interesting and enjoyable histories of Spurgeon’s life and ministry.

Dallimore purposefully avoids looking for Spurgeon’s foibles and failures and concentrates instead on the power of his preaching, his courageous stance for biblical truth, his Calvinistic theology, and the many mercy ministries provided by his church. Assuming that such a biography might simply be a list of activities carried out by this man would be a great mistake. The author’s style includes enough personal details and anecdotes that the reader gets the sense that he is encountering an old friend.

I read this book while on the mission field some years ago. When I neared the end of Dallimore’s writing, I was sorry to be finished so quickly (the book is only about 250 pages). As I was reading about the death and burial of this great preacher, I felt as though I was saying goodbye to someone I knew.

I recommend this enjoyable book for those that have little or no knowledge of Charles Spurgeon as well as those that are familiar with him and would simply like to read an encouraging and inspiring biography of a man of faith.

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