The Confessions of St. Augustine, trans. Benignus O’Rourke (2013)
Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – September, 2015
The Confessions of St. Augustine is one of the few books that should be read by every Christian. Although there are many translations available it is often difficult to find one that is written in a style familiar to modern ears. However, I discovered a recent edition of this great classic translated by Benignus O’Rourke that is both readable and engaging.
Augustine began writing his “Confessions” while serving as the Bishop of Hippo in North Africa. Throughout this autobiographical work the author portrays himself as a sinner who had come to understand that God was pursuing him even as he was resisting the truth of the gospel. Once drawn to faith in Christ by the grace of God this man, who had turned his back on the Lord could write, “You touched me, and I burn with desire for your peace.” For Augustine, who sought fulfillment in pleasure, nothing in the world could be compared to the rest he finally found in the God who made him for Himself.
Written both as a call to conversion and a support for believers, Augustine’s words will remind us of the providential care and marvelous grace of God that is still active in our own Christian journey. Whether it is this version or another translation, I highly recommend The Confessions of St. Augustine to all those that desire God today.