
War And Grace by Don Stephens

The Pastor’s Monthly Book Selection – May, 2015

War And Grace
by Don Stephens

Monthly Book Suggestions May 2015As Christians, we all acknowledge that the gospel has the power to change lives. Unfortunately, many of us waver about that when we see so many people rejecting the good news of our Savior. In the book War And Grace, Don Stephens offers up 13 accounts of individuals that found Christ in the midst of the dark days of World War II. In this volume, the reader receives a glimpse of God’s redeeming power throughout every nation, tribe, and tongue as the author presents stories of people from many backgrounds, all finding the forgiving love of Christ in their lives.

Not only does the author give us a glimpse of men like Louis Zamperini (Unbroken), but he also relates the conversion of the man that lead the attack on Pearl Harbor, infamous Nazi war criminals, and British POWs that were savagely treated by their captors, only to find the power to forgive, from the Lord who forgave them.

I highly recommend this book as a testimony of God’s redeeming grace and as an encouraging reminder that our God is an awesome God.
