

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a church that glorifies God through biblical worship, loving/relational ministry to God’s people, and meaningful outreach to the surrounding communities.


Our Core Values

-We seek to worship in a way that honors God with Christ-centered preaching and the regular administration of the sacraments.

-We seek to teach doctrine that is true to the Scriptures and the Reformed tradition.

-We seek to develop covenant relationships that are dependent on God’s grace and guided by love and holiness.

-We seek to obey the Great Commission through gospel-centered practical ministry that demonstrates the compassion of Christ and the need for God’s saving grace.


Our Means of Demonstrating our Vision and Values

The means by which we demonstrate our vision & values are as follows:

  • Adhering to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice
  • Accepting the historic Westminster Standards as an accurate summary of the teachings of Scripture
  • Proclaiming the gospel as the life-changing power of God
  • Building the church through personal evangelism & discipleship
  • Worshiping God in a manner that is both joyful and reverent
  • Nurturing God’s people through gospel preaching, elder oversight, prayer, and mutual support
  • Providing individual and family focused ministry
  • Training the body for in-reach and outreach ministry
  • Focusing on missions, outreach, and church planting