
Worship Information

With the resumption of in-person worship, the elders and deacons want to remind everyone of the guidelines for assembling.

In order to keep everyone safe and comply with guidelines from public officials as well as our friends at St. James UCC, the following procedures will be observed:

  1. Please use the right entrance as you are facing the building from the street.
  2. Masks are optional.
  3. We remind everyone that we are not to bind other people’s conscience about whether to wear a mask or not wear one, so please be respectful of one another. (Romans 12:1-2, Romans 14, I Corinthians 8:9)
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available.
  5. We will be observing the Lord’s Supper using regular elements. The elders will serve the elements to the congregation.
  6. There will be hymn singing during the service.
  7. We will not be collecting an offering during the service. An offering plate will be located at the entrance. We continue to encourage the use of the Vanco app on your smart device or through the church website for offerings.
  8. Hard copy bulletins will be available and you can also print your own. There is a link to the PDF file of the weekly bulletin in each Sermon item on our website.
  9. Parents are encouraged to keep children with them in worship. The nursery will be open and operating once again for those with young children.
  10. For those for whom it would not be wise to attend public worship, especially those who are not feeling well, we will continue to broadcast the service by Youtube.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or any of the elders and we will attempt to resolve those matters if at all possible.

In Christ,
Tom Albrecht
Administrative Elder

Sunday Schedule

Service Time

Sunday at 10:30 am
Nursery is available for children age five and under. They may be taken to the room at the beginning of worship or immediately after offering as indicated in the bulletin.

Sunday School for all Ages

Sunday at 9:15 am (1st and 3rd weeks each month)
Join us in the in the Fellowship Hall (or outdoors in the picnic pavilion during warmer months) on the 1st and 3rd Sundays for our Sunday School hour for all ages. Check the calendar for specific dates.